Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Rage Against The Volta

According to the good guys and gals over at Filter Magazine, Rage Against the Machine frontman Zach de la Rocha has parted ways (for now) to pursue a side project with ex- Mars Volta drummer, Jon Theodore, but will reunite with the band for their upcoming Lollapalooza appearance. 

His new band, One Day As A Lion, will release their eponymous debut EP July 22nd via Anti- Records.

 According to their Myspace:

“One Day As A Lion is both a warning delivered and a promise kept.”

“A defiant affirmation of the possibilities that exist in the space between kick and snare. It’s a sonic reflection of the visceral tension between a picturesque fabricated cultural landscape, and the brutal socioeconomic realities it attempts to mask. One Day As A Lion is a recorded interaction between Zack de la Rocha and Jon Theodore from Los Angeles, California.”

“The name taken from the infamous 1970 black and white, captured by legendary Chicano photographer George Rodriguez featuring a center framed tag on a white wall in an unspecified section of Boyle Heights. It reads: ‘It’s better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand years as a lamb.’ This record is a stripped down attempt to realize this sentiment in sound.”

One Day as a Lion EP Tracklisting:

1. Wild International
2. Ocean View
3. Last Letter
4. If You Fear Dying
5. One Day as a Lion